Are you looking for long-lasting healing?
Do you have a physical or mental condition that needs to be addressed differently?
Do you need to remove a discouraging repetitive pattern?
Are you feeling somehow stuck?

Unleash your healing potential
Reprogram your cellular memory
Crank up your restorative powers
Remove detrimental patterns
Upgrade your wellbeing
Boost your immune system and confidence
…in the comfort of your own home and without starting another medication.

14 Weeks to Liftoff: Transformative Pathways!
The Master's Journey

Yes, you are a master who has decided to leave it all behind, to forget almost everything you have learned, and start anew.
Welcome to your journey!
Dr. Mariana Solangel, MD
Reassemble your life and get from where you are to where you decide to be in 16 weeks:
Rearranging your physical and energetic fields.
Upgrading your mental blocks and releasing and healing sabotaging unconscious programs.
Get unstuck and create tangible results.
Discover your hidden powers.
Unleash the hero within and take your life to the next level.