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Modern medicine, as well as nutritional wellness, are focused only on the biochemistry of the body. Bio-Energetics looks at what instructs and controls chemical interactions.


This approach assesses and corrects the body’s unified field as well as the individual fields and information pathways that control everything happening at the biochemical level. 


Our scan tells us how well the body field is powered, whether it is transferring information correctly, responding well to environmental fields and other factors, and if it is recognizing and using nutrients properly.


The information allows us to help restore to original/embryonic intelligence



A field of energy records every thought, word, emotion, and action generated by every experience.


That field of energy is the Akashic Records:


Akashic "Akasha" (Sanskrit for the energetic substance from which all life is formed) and "Records" because its objective is to record all life experiences.


The Akashic records contain the past and present knowledge, experiences, and expressions of your soul's journey from the inception onward and the possibilities of future unfoldment.


The Akashic records are a vast virtual library that stores information about all events that have taken place in the universe since its creation in the form of waves and vibrations. 

The Akasic Records Session


QHHT® is a powerful tool to access that all-knowing part of ourselves called The Higher Self or the Subconscious (SC). The SC is that more significant part of ourselves that is always connected to Source/God/Spirit and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes, mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes, they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s lessons for in-session, long-lasting healing.


A common misconception about the deep state of hypnosis is that you will fall asleep and/or not remember much or anything of your time in hypnosis. QHHT® achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Most hypnotists do not work at the Somnambulistic level, either, because they can’t access this level of trance, but with this technique, that state is easily achieved and most likely remembered. Read More


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique


14 Weeks to Lift Off!
Transformative Pathways

      The Master's Journey         

This self-discovery journey takes you through your life's blueprint. If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, I invite you to join me. Let's work together to unlock the boundless potential that lies within you. The Journey includes Medical astrology, biodecodification, Family Constellations work, Mind Upgrade, Akashic Records, and more.

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Holding a Mic
Planet and Moon
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